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Ryuichi - 19.09.2024 3:03 am

I actually enjoy browsing 4chan quite a bit. Believe it or not—and despite the preconceived notions you may have about it, whether justified or not—I think it’s one of the last “good” sites on the internet.

I am well aware of the site's history and the reasons why it is controversial. I've been using it to a certain degree since at least 2004 or so. The administration and moderation have certainly made missteps in the past, and it’s true the community can be toxic to a degree. However, I believe that the anonymity the site offers—something many people criticize— allows for more honest discussions. Your opinion ends up being more important that your status, follower count, or even personal profile. While the communication can be harsher, it’s also more honest.

For instance, back when I was working with Blender (and though I speak in past tense, I still want to get back to it… damnit), the most useful and genuine feedback I received on my work often came from posting in their 3D modeling board. Yes, they actually have one!

Moreover, it’s one of the few remaining community sites that remains simple and hasn’t been bogged down with bloated code. This means browsing is fast and smooth across all kinds of devices—a technical detail, sure, but one that’s important to me.

I’d recommend giving it a try. They have a ton of boards with different topics, explore the boards that cover topics you’re interested in, and do so with an open mind and don't pay too much attention to the trolling or flame wars you may encounter (tho i think they are funny). If you plan to participate, though, I’d advise lurking for a bit first. Get a feel for the culture so you don’t come across as a tourist.

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Listening to: Smooth Vintage 01
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