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Ryuichi - 19.09.2024 3:03 am

I actually enjoy browsing 4chan quite a bit. Believe it or not—and despite the preconceived notions you may have about it, whether justified or not—I think it’s one of the last “good” sites on the internet.

I am well aware of the site's history and the reasons why it is controversial. I've been using it to a certain degree since at least 2004 or so. The administration and moderation have certainly made missteps in the past, and it’s true the community can be toxic to a degree. However, I believe that the anonymity the site offers—something many people criticize— allows for more honest discussions. Your opinion ends up being more important that your status, follower count, or even personal profile. While the communication can be harsher, it’s also more honest.

For instance, back when I was working with Blender (and though I speak in past tense, I still want to get back to it… damnit), the most useful and genuine feedback I received on my work often came from posting in their 3D modeling board. Yes, they actually have one!

Moreover, it’s one of the few remaining community sites that remains simple and hasn’t been bogged down with bloated code. This means browsing is fast and smooth across all kinds of devices—a technical detail, sure, but one that’s important to me.

I’d recommend giving it a try. They have a ton of boards with different topics, explore the boards that cover topics you’re interested in, and do so with an open mind and don't pay too much attention to the trolling or flame wars you may encounter (tho i think they are funny). If you plan to participate, though, I’d advise lurking for a bit first. Get a feel for the culture so you don’t come across as a tourist.

Emoji: 💣
Listening to: Smooth Vintage 01
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Ryuichi - 15.09.2024 12:02 am

Today i am wondering if maintaining this microblog the way i am doing it right now, generating static files with all the content of the page every time, is a good idea in the long run.

I personally don't have a problem with it, it's more like a logistical concern, because if i ever want to change things in the layout of the site i would need to re-generate and upload basically the whole site, which for me is not a problem because the system i coded does it automatically, but it seems like a bit clunky to work with maybe?

The other idea is to an iframe for the content, which i think would work in a way but it's pretty old school that sometimes thinking about it it's painful, hah. The other way is to use heavy javascripting to render the frontend, but i am also kind of against sites who NEED javascript to run and display because a lof of legacy devices don't play good with Javascript.

I'll try to maintain the site the way i am doing now for as long as i can, but if in the future the situation calls for it, i may do the javascript solution to provide a less painful way of updating the site.
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Ryuichi - 13.09.2024 4:17 pm

Also, believe it or not, the posting system that i wrote to update this blog is a hella lot incomplete, i really should get to upgrading it because as it is now it's pretty basic. There are stuff missing like basic formatting and even pagination still left to do.
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Ryuichi - 13.09.2024 4:13 pm

I'm preparing a quite lenghty post about a spicy topic, and i'm taking my time to write it because it's a controversial topic, i don't want to get facts wrong or write opinions that may be misinterpreted. Hopefully i will post it next week.
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Ryuichi - 07.09.2024 3:57 pm

Curious thing happened, I was trying to print some images for the homework of a kid, and the color printer refused to print this picture several times:

It just printed like about 1/4 of it and then showed an url for a page:

I knew some printers had algorithms to prevent printing notes for counterfeinting and such, but come on, the notes aren't even being shown complete.

I had to add some noise to the image so i could print it, but who's gonna return me the ink wasted? :V I tried to print it on the b/w laser printer and that one didn't complained.
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Ryuichi - 03.09.2024 12:16 am

By the way, also just to mention it, i am devising some system to add a commenting system to this blog. I realize that maybe noone is gonna be interested in commenting here but it's nice to have it nonetheless (and i love to take on these kind of challenges, since i am planning on coding it myself).
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Ryuichi - 31.08.2024 6:31 pm

Anyways, don't think that the posts are gonna be this serious every time. The themes and tones will vary and i will try to post several times a day just to keep things fresh.
0 Filed under: Random

Ryuichi - 31.08.2024 4:57 pm

Just to extend a bit more on the topic of personal webpages, there's another reason why I decided to revive this personal blog.

I don’t usually like talking about politics, and I’m not going to do it today either, but yesterday, the general internet community was buzzing about some drama involving the Brazilian government and Twitter/X. Without diving too deep into the details, the Brazilian government decided to block access to Twitter/X across the entire country. Naturally, this decision left many people, both Brazilians and others, absolutely flabbergasted.

As I mentioned, I’m not going to debate who’s at fault here, or whether the decision was politically motivated (though personally, I think it was, but that’s beside the point). The real issue is that it’s NOT a great idea to have our channels of communication and discussion monopolized by just two or three big sites. These things can —and WILL— happen, especially as the situation deteriorates further.

As political entities become more interested in tightly controlling online conversations, and as various fringe groups push to have "unfit" opinions removed from public view, it’s crucial for people to realize that having so few platforms controlling the discourse is far from ideal. The larger these platforms grow, the more susceptible they become to manipulation, whether by political forces or other interests.

I understand that this is challenging because most people aren’t interested or technically savvy enough in setting up their own shit, especially if it means reducing their probable audiecne and reac. However, I believe it’s VERY IMPORTANT not to keep all our eggs in one basket.

So, my invitation to everyone is this: explore ways to host your content on alternate or multiple channels simultaneously. The internet is vast, and it’s ridiculous to let communication mediums be monopolized by big platforms that are more interested in driving revenue through ads and suppressing dissenting or “wrong” opinions to avoid political and legal conflicts.

By the way, I’m planning to add an RSS feed in the next few days so that anyone using RSS can follow the site if they wish. If you’re not familiar with RSS and RSS readers, I encourage you to look into them.
0 Filed under: Random