I almost never have problems modeling stuff (well, i do, but i can get by just fine most of the time after fidgeting the vertices a bit), what i have problems with is with lighting, because modeling and texturing shit is one thing, but that's like 40% of the work. Lighting is the other 60% and just lighting alone can make a piece look good or ugiy.
Overall i think i did pretty well on it, i like the ambience, i think it could have used more variety on the elements of the board but it's good nonetheles...
I'll post the image here but you can also see it and give it a like on my Pixelfed profile, on the links of the sidebar:

BTW, the title of the piece is "Quantum Computing".
Being embarrased by saying this is nonsense because i am not even obligated to say it, but i still don't have proper hardware to run newer versions of Blender, and most if not all pieces i have done ever (and probably will for a bit of time) are done in pre-3.0 versions of Blender (newer versions are already on 4.0).
To be honest i don't feel like i am missing too much anyway, i know Geometry nodes are a big thing and everyone is using them already to their best but i haven't made anyting too complicated yet that guarantees me wanting me to use them. I think geometry nodes are more useful for people that animate and to people that needs speed in pre-generating assets, but my approach on Blender is more "artisanal" so i woudln't use them that much i guess.
Hopefully on the future i can get ahold of better hardware.