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Ryuichi - 15.09.2024 12:02 am

Today i am wondering if maintaining this microblog the way i am doing it right now, generating static files with all the content of the page every time, is a good idea in the long run.

I personally don't have a problem with it, it's more like a logistical concern, because if i ever want to change things in the layout of the site i would need to re-generate and upload basically the whole site, which for me is not a problem because the system i coded does it automatically, but it seems like a bit clunky to work with maybe?

The other idea is to an iframe for the content, which i think would work in a way but it's pretty old school that sometimes thinking about it it's painful, hah. The other way is to use heavy javascripting to render the frontend, but i am also kind of against sites who NEED javascript to run and display because a lof of legacy devices don't play good with Javascript.

I'll try to maintain the site the way i am doing now for as long as i can, but if in the future the situation calls for it, i may do the javascript solution to provide a less painful way of updating the site.
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