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Ryuichi - 19.10.2024 12:28 am

I had to scout and re-add all the blogs i had on my feed reader before i reinstalled Linux, because there's something i always forget to backup, and this time it was my entire RSS feed.

Anyways, i am susbscribed to the blog "Futurism", but i almost didn't added it again. I don't even like the guy and i'm pretty neutral towards him, but it's ridiculous how so anti-Elon Futurism is, it's kind of ridiculous and cringe how they manage any kind of note that have to do with Elon and sometimes try their hardest to make him look bad.

Like i said, i don't even care about the guy, but this worries me as i try to have my RSS feed as un-biased and impartial. I guess i will give them a chance one more time but only once again.
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